Absinthe Blog
A few years ago we ran an external blog under the domain www.absinthe-blog.de. We have integrated this into our shop for the sake of simplicity.
Absinthe has been permitted again in the EU since the end of the 80s and in Switzerland since 2005. Many myths are entwined around the "Green Fairy" and some information is based on dubious half-knowledge rather than real competence. With a kind of "knowledge base" we would like to contribute to putting absinthe in the right light.
Von der Feldfrucht bis ins Glas: Die Reise regionaler Zutaten in der Spirituosenherstellung
Vom Acker bis zum Glas spielen lokale Bestandteile eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Schaffung einzigartiger Aromen und Charakteristika in verschiedenen Spirituosen
Erfahre mehr über Combier: Der Ursprung des weltbekannten Triple Sec
February 12, 2024
Lion Spirits GmbH
What is actually... ? | Cocktail recipes | Burning knowledge triple sec, combier
What is actually... ? | Cocktail recipes | Burning knowledge triple sec, combier
Discover the fascinating story behind the world-famous Triple Sec from Combier. Immerse yourself in the tradition and heritage of this iconic liqueur.
Stills Part 2 - The Column Still Process
May 4, 2016
Lion Spirits GmbH
Burning knowledge patent still, column still, kontinuierliches verfahren, brennanlagen, brennverfahren, säulenbrennverfahren
Burning knowledge patent still, column still, kontinuierliches verfahren, brennanlagen, brennverfahren, säulenbrennverfahren
In our second part on the techniques and processes of distillation, we took a closer look at the continuous distillation method and its advantages and disadvantages.
Distillation plants and distilling processes Part 1 - The pot still process
April 27, 2016
Lion Spirits GmbH
Burning knowledge brennanlagen, spirituosen, pot still verfahren, destillation
Burning knowledge brennanlagen, spirituosen, pot still verfahren, destillation
About the differences in distillation and the construction of stills. Distillation systems play a central role in the production of spirits. The type of still determines which method of distillation must be used.